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OG Hospitality Group (OGHG) is the management company for The Corner Pub and Grill (winner of Best Neighborhood Patio in 2018), our 2018 Best Breakfast restaurant, Shack Breakfast and Lunch and the award winning-2011 Restaurant of the Year, Tavern Kitchen and Bar.


Why and What is “OG”?   When opening our first restaurant in 2007, The Corner Pub, it was our dream to work for ourselves and to pursue our passion in the restaurant business.  With great success of our first endeavor we decided to open our 2nd Corner Pub location in 2009.  When this happened, our guests, employees and friends began to call our first Corner Pub the “Old One” and our second Corner Pub  the “New One”. Well..…there was nothing old about our first location so we gave it the nickname “OG” for “Original”.


As we opened more restaurants throughout the years, “OG” not only continued to be our first Corner Pub's nickname but also became symbolic of how we moved forward as a company.  The symbolism of “OG” reminded us to never forget that each restaurant may be our last, that each restaurant should have the utmost attention to detail, be involved in the community and most importantly for our guests to feel that their time spent in our establishments are appreciated.  That passion we had when we opened our first restaurant is the passion that exists in all of our restaurants. 


That passion is “OG” and we are OG Hospitality Group

2016 | This website was made in the offices of the OG Hospitality Group with a couple bottles of Angels Envy Bourbon & several broken mouses.

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